Where are you located?
How do I get started?
What are your office hours?
They vary by day and include some evening hours.
Once we start working together, I’ll send you a link so you can book the time that works best with your schedule.
With whom do you work?
I work with individual adults.
I’m a gender-affirming, LGBTQIA+ ally.
Are you sure you can handle me?
Maybe you’re asking because therapy or coaching hasn’t been very helpful for you in the past.
I specialize in working with people who have tried everything without long-lasting success. I’ll help you find your key to healing by addressing the roots of your challenges.
How will you support me?
We’ll have our scheduled transformative calls (usually three per month).
Between calls, you can reach out via email, and I’ll usually reply within 48 hours. This can include questions, shares, or long, rambling emails when you need to be heard or process something out loud. I may occasionally send you resources, assignments, and encouragement as well.
If there’s something important and urgent, you can text me, and we might be able to hop on the phone for an emergency call.
What do you require of me?
Do you take insurance?
Do you have a therapist or a coach yourself?
Cats or dogs?
I love both, but I currently own a little black beast inhabiting a cat’s body.
Ah… who am I kidding? He owns me!!
Your name sounds Italian. Are you actually from Italy?
Yes, I was born and raised in a small village in Italy.
I spent over 15 years abroad in Europe, but I still maintain a nice Italian accent that I think you’ll enjoy 🙂